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Friday 30/10/2015
47727 + 47739 = 3S32 0551 Swindon-Didcot Parkway/ 3S32 0625 Didcot Parkway-Swindon/ 3S33 0705 Swindon-Kings Norton.
47786 = 0Z50 0701 Carnforth Steamtown-Guide Bridge Brookside Sidings/ 6Z50 1016 Guide Bridge Brookside Sidings-Rugeley Power Station.
47804 + 57313 t'n't = 5Z57 1015 Craigentinny-Kilmarnock Barclay Sidings(57)/ 5Z21 1518 Kilmarnock Barclay Sidings-Carnforth Steamtown(which loco leading?).
47805 = 3S60 0454 Stowmarket DGL-Stowmarket DGL via Wymondham, Claydon, Southend Victoria, Claydon - also allocated were two 57s so the 47 may not have been on this, potentially being on 3S01 0920 Stowmarket DGL-Stowmarket DGL via Kings Lynn and Acle which only had one 57 allocated.
47812 + 47815 = 4M89 0304 Drax-Hotchley Hill/ 4E83 1315 Hotchley Hill-Doncaster Down Decoy.
thanks for news today: Roddy MacPhee.