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Tuesday 22/09/2015
47760 = 5Z42 0506 Southall Depot-Horsham/ 1Z42 0820 Horsham-Bristol TM to Hanwell Bridge Loop(steam)/ 0Z42 1135 Hanwell Bridge Loop-Southall Depot/ 0Z44 1949 Southall Depot-Hanwell Bridge Loop/ 1Z44 1635 Bristol TM-Horsham from Hanwell Bridge Loop/ 5Z45 2337 Horsham-Southall Depot.
47804 + 57313 t'n't = 5Z11 0840 Dereham-Watlington(reversal at Ely)/ 1Z12 1237 Watlington-Cambridge/ 5Z13 Cambridge-Cambridge via Cambridge TMD/ 1Z13 1827 Cambridge-Scarborough.
47815 = 0Z47 1045 Doncaster Down Decoy Yard- Doncaster Down Decoy Yard via Gainsborough Central.
thanks for news today: .
Monday 21/09/2015
47727 = 0B11 0910 Washwood Heath-Barry.
47804 + 57313 t'n't = 1Z37 0555 Fletton-Victoria(57 to Peterborough Eastfield Jn then 804)/ 5Z38 1044 Victoria-Acton Lane Reception Sidings/ 5Z10 1334 Acton Lane Reception Sidings-Victoria/ 1Z10 1457 Victoria-Dereham(804).
47815 = 0Z47 1333 Doncaster Doen Decoy Yard-York Works/ 6Z47 1529 York Yard-Whitemoor Yard/ 0Z48 2108 Whitemoor Yard-Doncaster Down Decoy Yard.
thanks for news today: .